Press release

SHKP mentors help young people thrive Youngsters complete six-month Modern Apprenticeship Programme on a high note

(23 January, 2020) The graduation ceremony for the 2019 Modern Apprenticeship Programme themed ‘Exploration and Practice in the Workplace’, sponsored by ......


SHKP mentors supporting young people for 17 consecutive years Exploring the workplace and putting knowledge into practice to unfold future possibilities

(24 July, 2019) Sun Hung Kai Properties is committed to nurturing young people through different initiatives, including for the 17th consecutive year, sponsoring the Modern Apprenticeship Programme, co-hosted with Breakthrough......


8成青少年指《逃犯條例》破壞言論自由、法治與有違公義 9成8青少年參與不同形式公民活動



突破機構Trial and Error Lab 「錯!係要咁試嘅!」成果展 2019 鼓勵年青人試錯 探索職志未來新路向

(2019年5月20日)香港處境及時代急劇轉變,社會追求一步到位,青少年在成長過程中欠缺發展空間。突破機構今天舉辦「Trial and Error Lab成果展開幕活動」......
